Saints of Lot present Candy Madusa's eXXhibition.
Saturday 7th May 9-10am
All ages, families welcome, meet outside the Tempest Inn on Brighton Seafront. We'll be doing our bit for the environment, and collecting beach litter to upcycle into art.
The Brighton Festival Children's Parade starts at 10.30am, so you've got time to clean the beach, see the parade, and then head back for the workshop.
Saturday 7th May 12 noon - 3pm
All ages, all abilities, families welcome.
Upstairs at the Tempest Inn, Brighton Seafront.
Tickets £5 waged adults, £1 concessions, kids and anyone who took part in the beach clean.
Local artists including environmental artist Candy Medusa will show you how to create art from marine debris and reclaimed materials.
Saturday 7th May 7pm - 3am
Upstairs at the Tempest Inn, Brighton Seafront.
Tickets £5 waged adults, £1 concessions, kids (must leave by 9pm) and anyone who took part in the beach clean.
Group art exhibition by female artists including Candy Medusa, raising awareness of plastic pollution, toxics in our seas and in our bodies, and women in science, art and exploration.
Curated by Saints of the Lot.
Lots to see and lots going on.
If you've read this far I'm going to level with you - the Fringe brochure came out waaaay before I had any real plan of how this was going to go, so watch this space for more details of the evening event. Cool stuff will be happening.
Saturday 7th May 12 noon - 3pm
All ages, all abilities, families welcome.
Upstairs at the Tempest Inn, Brighton Seafront.
Tickets £5 waged adults, £1 concessions, kids and anyone who took part in the beach clean.
Local artists including environmental artist Candy Medusa will show you how to create art from marine debris and reclaimed materials.